Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Sleeping Wanting

When I was in my bed
I dreamed
And in my dreams, I slept
When my arms were wide I flew
A tree on the water
A moon in the night
My dreams were gold; wailing
Your eyes were stars; wailing--punctuating

But even my ballast was an illusion
Her hands were woven--milk and moon
Her kisses;
A morning loon in the redolent mist
And I, in the vastness of a bed without a border, enchanted and bewildered
Was yet without a language, yet without a father, yet without glory.

Saturday, June 27, 2009


Those that amble past the glass store front are
soundless. Crooning in my eyes but soundless
nonetheless and there so delicate. Here
on the other side I thinly digress
to musing.

If I could dance with them I would,
but you too are on the other side of glass.
I watch your tenuous rhythm
string a shadowy song.

But it is soundless.